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Legal Definitions

attorney vs. trial attorney

Attorney vs. Trial Attorney: What Sets Them Apart?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessAttorneyLegal Definitions
Should you hire an attorney or a trial attorney for your case? To answer this question, you need to have a good understanding of the difference between the two roles. ...

What is Res Ipsa Loquitur?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessLegal Definitionsnegligence
What is Res Ipsa Loquitur? If you suffer an injury through no fault of your own, a personal injury lawsuit may be the vehicle you need to pursue the compensation...

What is an Assumption of Risk in Personal Injury Claims?

2024AnswersInjuriesLegal ProcessLegal DefinitionsLegal Processes
Dangerous activities and risky behavior may affect a personal injury claim. Activities like skydiving, rollercoasters, and riding all-terrain vehicles come with certain risks. In these situations, a defendant in a...
contributory negligence

What is Contributory Negligence?

2024AnswersNegligenceLegal Definitionsnegligence
States use various principles to apportion fault in personal injury cases. They might use a contributory negligence standard or a comparative fault standard. Contributory negligence is a legal doctrine in...
vicarious liability

What is Vicarious Liability?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessLegal DefinitionsLiability
A personal injury claim can quickly turn complicated as liability and damages are assessed. With vicarious liability, a third party can end up involved in the accident claim, which can...

What are the Legal Definitions of Slander and Defamation?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessDefamationLegal DefinitionsSlander
Words matter — and that is never more true than in cases of slander or defamation, when one party's negative, untrue words about another cause serious harm to their reputation...
intentional tort

What is An Intentional Tort?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessIntentional TortLegal Definitions
When one party suffers injury due to the negligent actions of another, even when that negligence did not occur on purpose, the injured party has the right to seek compensation...
defamation definition

Does Defamation Count as a Personal Injury?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessLegal DefinitionsPersonal Injury
Defamation refers to the act of making false and damaging statements about someone that causes harm to their reputation. These types of actions can have serious consequences for victims and...
federal tort claims act

What Is the Federal Tort Claims Act?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessMass TortLegal Definitions
The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) allows individuals and organizations to sue the federal government for damages. However, the law places certain limitations on such claims. Learn more about what...
wrongful death

How Is Wrongful Death Legally Defined?

2024AnswersLegal ProcessLegal DefinitionsWrongful Death
Losing a loved one can be incredibly difficult, especially when a negligent third party is involved. The first step toward obtaining justice is understanding the legal definition of wrongful death to see...