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Exceptional Advocacy & Maximum Recoveries for Drunk Driving Crash Victims

Drunk drivers cause nearly 1 in 3 deadly car accidents in Louisiana, Texas, and across the U.S. (source: CDC). Like distracted driving and aggressive driving, drunk driving is 100% avoidable — and the reckless motorists who drink and drive can be liable for the crashes, injuries, and deaths they cause.

At Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers, we are devoted to helping people just like you recover from drunk driving wrecks. For more than two decades, our 5-star drunk driving accident lawyers have been providing extraordinary representation and strategic advocacy to win when it matters most.

No matter how challenging a case may be, we have the skills, knowledge, resources, and tenacity to achieve successful resolutions in and outside the courtroom. That’s why we’ve been recognized as top drunk driving accident lawyers in Louisiana and Texas — and it’s why you can rely on us when it’s time to seek justice and compensation after being injured by a drunk driver.

To get answers about your legal options after a drunk driving wreck, simply contact Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers. We are here for you, ready to help 24/7.

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Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers has an unmatched record of success

in all types of drunk driving accident cases. Let us make your case and recovery our next victory.

Click on a link below to jump directly to any section and get more answers about drunk driving accidents and how to recover from them.

Drunk Driving Laws in Louisiana & Texas

In both the Pelican State and the Lone Star State, the laws define drunk driving according to blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, with different BAC limits set based on age and driver’s license type. The table below highlights the different BAC limits for drivers in Louisiana and Texas.
State Law BAC Limits: Under 21 BAC Limits: 21 or Older BAC Limits: CDL Holder*
Louisiana 0.02 0.08 0.04
Texas Zero Tolerance –> NO amount of detectable alcohol is acceptable. 0.08 0.04

*CDL = Commercial driver’s license

Despite these laws — and increasingly harsh penalties for drunk drivers — far too many motorists continue to get behind the wheel when they’re impaired by alcohol.

BAC Level Typical Driver Impairments by BAC Level
0.02 Difficulties visually tracking objects that are moving rapidly
Problems performing two tasks at once
Greater likelihood of driver distraction
0.05 Coordination & steering impairments
Greater impairments with visually tracking moving objects
Poor judgment & responsiveness when emergencies or the
unexpected happens on the road
0.08 Substantial perception & concentration impairments
Difficulties processing information & controlling vehicle speeds
Short-term memory loss
0.10 Impaired ability to slow or stop vehicles
Lane drifting/inability to stay in one’s lane of traffic
0.15Significant loss of muscle control & balance
Minimal ability to safely maneuver vehicles & process what’s happening in the driving environment

How Alcohol Impairs Drivers & Increases Crash Risks

Drunk drivers experience multiple impairments simultaneously. That includes impaired visual and auditory perception, slower reaction times, drowsiness, and poor judgment. In fact, the more drunk a motorist is (i.e., the higher their BAC is), the more intense those impairments will be, as the table below shows (source: NHTSA).
Even at relatively lower BACs, motorists can still experience accident-causing impairments, especially if they’re also engaging in other risky behaviors, like texting or speeding. Those impairments are the reasons why every state in the nation has outlawed drunk driving. They’re also the factor that exponentially elevates crash risks when drunk drivers get behind the wheel. In fact (source: VMW):

Drunk Driving Accident Statistics

The latest statistics on drunk driving accidents delineate just how often impaired and reckless motorists are causing serious wrecks and irreversible harm (sources: III, CDC & MADD):
These statistics are gut-wrenching, but they fall short of revealing the deep, lasting trauma that drunk driving accident victims often suffer. When it’s time to recover from that trauma, it’s time to contact Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers.

Who Can I Sue After a Drunk Driving Accident in Louisiana & Texas?

The drunk driver may be just one party you can sue after you or a loved one has been hurt in an alcohol-related crash. In fact, when it comes to suing and seeking compensation after a drunk driving accident, it’s important to understand that:
Investigations & evidence are key

You may not know if another driver was drunk right after you’ve been hit. Follow-up investigations, however, can bring motorist impairment to light while helping you collect the evidence you need to prove liability. Depending on the crash and the circumstances surrounding it, crucial evidence to support a drunk driving accident case could include anything from a police report and BAC test results to witness statements, accident-scene photos, and more.

There are strict time limits for filing drunk driving claims in LA & TX

That means that you may not have the right to file a drunk driving case if the filing deadline (or the “statute of limitations”) has passed. In Texas, the law provides two years from the date of the accident to file a case while Louisiana law provides one year. If the injuries are diagnosed or end up taking a victim’s life on a date following the accident, then the later date (i.e., the date of diagnosis or death) will typically start the “clock” for a claim’s statute of limitations.

Dram shop liability is limited in LA but not in TX

A “dram shop” refers to any establishment that sells liquor for on-site consumption. In many cases, state dram shop laws cover bars, restaurants, hosts of private parties, and/or others. In Texas, the law permits crash victims to sue dram shops when they’ve overserved the drunk drivers who have caused wrecks. That’s not the case in Louisiana, however, where the law places the responsibility for these crashes solely on the person consuming the alcohol, rather than those who sell it.

A drunk driving accident lawyer at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers can give you a case-specific answer, pointing out all liable parties and available legal remedies. That can help you pursue the maximum available recovery while giving you clear expectations of what to anticipate as you move forward.

Talk to a 5-Star Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer 24/7

Don’t wait to get answers, advocacy, and exceptional representation after a drunk driving car accident. If you or someone you love has been injured by a drunk driver, the road to recovery may not be easy — and you don’t have a lot of time to navigate it. You also don’t have to pursue justice alone.

The drunk driving accident attorneys at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers are proud to partner with victims and families to help them fight for the recoveries they deserve.

We have a deep understanding of the challenges victims can face when it’s time to file claims — and we are highly skilled at surmounting even the toughest challenges to help victims like you win and get justice. Discover the difference our team can make in your case and recovery by contacting us today.