18-Wheeler Accidents on I-49

Frequently Asked Questions on 18-Wheeler Accidents on I-49

Interstate 49 is the main north-south highway in Louisiana. As such, it sees a high volume of 18-wheelers making their way through the state to facilitate commerce, which can make driving on I-49 more dangerous than on other Louisiana roads. Here are answers to frequently asked questions about 18-wheeler accidents on I-49.

How Many 18-wheeler Accidents Happen on I-49?

The National Highway Safety Administration does not publish the precise number of 18-wheeler accidents on I-49. However, that does not mean that we cannot determine how dangerous driving on I-49 is compared to other roads in the state. According to the Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS) at Louisiana State University, there were 3,672 truck accidents on Louisiana interstates in 2021. This accounts for 8.7% of all motor vehicle accidents in Louisiana.

How Many Fatal Accidents Happen on I-49?

According to the National Highway Safety Administration’s Fatal Accident and Reporting System (FARS) database, there were 18 fatal accidents with 23 fatalities on the Louisiana stretch of I-49 in 2021. This represents a 5-year increase of 144.4%, as only 9 fatalities occurred on this highway in 2016. 

Is Interstate 49 the Most Dangerous Road in Louisiana?

Interstate 49 is the second-deadliest interstate in Louisiana. The deadliest interstate is I-10, where there were 71 fatal crashes in 2021. This is more than three times the number of crashes on I-49.

Highways in general are very dangerous as the location of an overwhelming majority of fatal motor vehicle accidents. Interstates alone were responsible for 16.8% of all fatal crashes in Louisiana in 2021. Add U.S. highways, state highways, and parish highways, and we find that 89.7% of all fatal crashes in Louisiana occurred on a highway.

How Dangerous Are 18-wheelers?

A fully loaded 18-wheeler can weigh up to 80,000 lbs. Compared to the average sedan weight of 3,300 lbs., it is no surprise that sharing the road with these massive vehicles can be so dangerous. However, most 18-wheeler accidents can be prevented. In fact, 8 in 10 truck accidents were caused by the action or inaction of the driver. Some of the most common causes of 18-wheeler accidents are:

What Should I Do if I’m Involved in an 18-Wheeler Accident on I-49?

Getting involved in an 18-wheeler accident can be devastating. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of truck accidents in Louisiana are non-fatal, so you should remain calm and follow these steps:

  1. If immediate medical attention is necessary, then seek it before worrying about anything else
  2. Take down the contact information of everyone involved. If possible, take a picture of the truck’s motor carrier ID number
  3. Take pictures and video of the scene to keep as documentation of the crash
  4. Do not admit fault or apologize for anything
  5. Continue receiving medical attention for your injuries even after the crash
  6. Contact your insurance company to report your accident within the first two days of the crash if possible
  7. Keep a record of everything related to the crash, including any letters from your insurance company and medical bills
  8. Contact a lawyer at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers to receive free advice about your case and the possibility of recovering damages

Can I Recover Compensation for an 18-Wheeler Accident?

The types of compensation you can recover depend on your accident and the injuries sustained. In general, you can request compensation for the following types of damages:

  • Economic damages: These are easily quantifiable damages that result from the negligence of the person who caused the accident, such as medical bills, lost wages, and property damage.
  • Non-economic damages: These are more abstract damages that are not easily quantifiable. Some examples are pain and suffering, mental anguish, and loss of consortium.
  • Punitive damages: These damages are awarded as a way to punish the person responsible for exceptionally egregious behavior. In Louisiana, you may be able to seek punitive damages in cases of gross negligence, such as if the driver were under the influence when the accident occurred. 

Should I Hire a Lawyer for My 18-Wheeler Accident?

Hiring an attorney for your truck accident claim may sound like an unnecessarily expensive and complicated measure. However, getting an attorney on your side will not only greatly improve your chances of winning your case, but it can also help you maximize the amount of compensation you receive. 

At Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers, we have over 20 years of experience fighting for our clients. We know the tactics insurance companies use to minimize and downplay their responsibility to avoid giving you the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (318) 221-1508 or email us for a free, confidential consultation.


Center for Analytics & Research in Transportation Safety (CARTS)

Fatal Accident and Reporting System (FARS)

How Much Does A Car Weigh?

Morris & Dewett provides this information to the public for general education and interest. The firm does not represent clients in every topic discussed in answers to frequent questions. The information is curated and produced based on questions commonly asked or search terms commonly used. Every effort is made to provide accurate information. Do not make any decision solely based on the information provided, please seek relevant counsel for each topic area. Consult an attorney before making any legal decision, consult a doctor before making any medical decision, and consult a financial advisor before making any fiscal decision. Information provided is not legal advice. If you have any legal needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are pleased to assist you if we can or provide a referral to another attorney if we cannot.