Trey justin hero edit leave your offshore accident claim up to our attorneys instead. We are here to help people work through difficult cases, just like yours, and just how we have been for more than 20 years. Our passion is to secure the most compensation possible for our clients because it’s the right thing to do.


a full service legal team DEDICATED to personal injury

we earned the trust of thousands by doing everything we can to get what they deserve


Experienced Attorneys Who Manage Difficult Cases

Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers are proud to offer our legal expertise to anyone hurt in the maritime, oil, and gas industries, as well as other offshore occupations. Accidents that happen in these industries lead to complex injury cases, especially if someone is catastrophically injured. When you are reeling from the aftermath of your accident, the last thing you will want to do is complicate your life by trying to file a claim against a stubborn insurance company.

Leave your offshore accident claim up to our attorneys instead. We are here to help people work through difficult cases, just like yours, and just how we have been for more than 20 years. Our passion is to secure the most compensation possible for our clients because it’s the right thing to do.

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Causing of Offshore Accidents

Industries that deal with offshore work are often considered among the most dangerous by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). However, working in a dangerous industry does not guarantee that you will be in an accident. Instead, negligence can be found at the root of most offshore accidents. Through an intensive investigation, we can try to determine whose negligence caused your accident, so we are validated in bringing a claim against them.

Offshore accidents and injuries can vary greatly, such as:

  • Fires, explosions, and burn injuries: Offshore work often involves some sort of drilling or hazardous substance creation, storage, and management. For example, offshore oil refineries in the bay employ thousands of people. If a fire starts on one of these rigs, it can be catastrophic.
  • Toxic exposure: Simply working around hazardous substances can be dangerous, even without the risk of a fire or explosion. People who constantly work with dangerous materials can be at a higher risk of certain types of cancers and respiratory illnesses, for example.
  • Equipment failure: Heavy equipment is found on most offshore sites and vessels. Working with heavy equipment is dangerous, but it becomes downright hazardous if those pieces of equipment are not maintained or repaired effectively.
Our law firm can help you with any sort of offshore accident claim. No matter why or how you were severely injured while working offshore, we have the legal insight required to create an effective claim in your name.

Different Laws That Affect Your Case

Part of the reason why offshore accident cases can be so complex is the unique laws that surround them. Being hurt on the water is legally different than being hurt elsewhere due to these laws. Our Alexandria offshore accident lawyers fully understand the many nuances to laws that could impact your case and how to use them to your advantage if possible.

To name only a few legal wrinkles that could affect your case:

Jones Act
If you were hurt due to a vessel that was deemed unseaworthy, then the Jones Act or the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 could be important to how your case progresses.
Longshore & Harbor Workers Compensation Act
Offshore workers who are not covered by the Jones Act might get legal protections and rights through the Longshore & Harbor Workers Compensation Act, such as the right to permanent disability pay.
Death on the High Seas Act
The spouses of people who pass away offshore, even those who were not working at the time, might be able to use the Death on the High Seas Act to pursue justice and compensation.

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