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a full service legal team DEDICATED to personal injury

we earned the trust of thousands by doing everything we can to get what they deserve


Local Attorneys Handling Serious Injury Cases

If your spinal cord or spine has been injured in an accident, you might have to deal with the consequences of that injury for the rest of your life. Any compensation that you receive from the liable party should be significant enough to reflect that severe harm. You should only work with a law firm that understands the severity of your injury and knows how to fight for the most compensation possible. Choose a firm like Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers in Alexandria.

We have built our firm atop a history of winning complicated and high-stakes injury cases like spinal cord injury claims. Locals know that they can trust us with their case because we see them not as just a case number but as a friend in need. Please call (318) 221-1508 if you want to work with a law firm that genuinely cares about your recovery.

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Permanent Harm Caused by Spinal Cord Damage

A spinal cord injury is almost always considered catastrophic because it is rare for harm to the spinal cord to not cause a permanent disability. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that control most other body parts, organs, and bodily functions. The nerves regenerate incredibly slowly or not at all, depending on where the damage happened to the spine and the health of the victim

People living with a spinal cord injury might experience:

Quadriplegia & Paraplegia

Paralysis is usually the worst consequence of suffering a spinal cord injury. The location of the injury along the spine will influence the extent of the paralysis.

Two of the most common forms of paralysis are:

  • Quadriplegia:
    When a spinal cord injury survivor cannot move any of their limbs, they have quadriplegia or tetraplegia. Such severe paralysis can happen if the cervical spine near or along the neck is damaged because paralysis more or less affects every body part lower than the injury.
  • Paraplegia:
    The loss of use for both legs is called paraplegia. It can occur if the victim’s spine is injured at the lower back. Thanks to advances in modern medicine, some paraplegia cases can be cured or alleviated, but such treatments can be as expensive as they are extensive.
It is also possible to experience partial paralysis to a body part if the damage to the spinal cord and connecting nerves is incomplete. Partial paralysis can manifest as a numbing sensation in the affected body part and/or reduced functionality of that body part.

We Seek Maximum Compensation

It is not an exaggeration to say that the cost of a spinal cord injury can be extremely steep. Medical treatments alone can range well into the tens of thousands of dollars, even after healthcare insurance is used to the fullest. Not to mention all of the non-economic harm experienced by the victim, such as the complete loss of independence and the lessened enjoyment of life. Damage that isn’t easily recordable in dollar bills can and should be counted toward the value of your spinal cord injury claim.

Our attorneys can fight for every dollar owed to you for damages, such as:

Leave Your Spine Injury Case Up to Us

The beginning of a spine injury case can be the most difficult, especially if an opposing insurance company has tried to convince you that you don’t have a claim. Please reach out to our Alexandria spinal cord injury attorneys by dialing (318) 221-1508 today to talk with a legal team who wants you to live as comfortably as possible again. We promise to be honest and fair with you about your case, so you never feel misled. All the while, we will do all we can to build your case and boost your confidence about the days and years ahead.

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