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crashes due to tailgaiting

5-Star Car Crash Attorneys Skilled at Winning Tailgating Accident Cases

Tailgating can create serious hazards on the roads. In fact, tailgating is a leading cause of rear-end collisions, and nearly 1 in every 3 traffic wrecks is a rear-ended accident (source: NHTSA).

No matter why or when motorists tailgate, those negligent drivers can be liable for the crashes, trauma, and losses they cause. And the victims of tailgating crashes can get essential help bringing these negligent drivers to justice from Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers.

For more than two decades, our tailgating accident lawyers have fought fearlessly, diligently, and relentlessly to help accident victims get justice, even when they’re facing the toughest opponents in the most challenging claims. We are proud to provide extraordinary representation and strategic advocacy to help people just like you win and recover when it matters most.

That’s why you can trust our tailgating accident attorneys when it’s time to file a claim and win fair, full compensation. Simply contact Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers for confidential answers and advice. We are here for you, ready to help 24/7.

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Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers has an unmatched record of success

in all types of tailgating accident cases, from those involving impaired drivers to pileups, tailgating crashes with 18-wheelers, and beyond. Let us make your claim and recovery our next victory.

Click on a link below to jump directly to any section and get more answers about tailgating accidents, how to recover from them, and how to avoid them.

What Is Tailgating & Why Is Tailgaiting Dangerous?

Tailgating is the reckless act of following another vehicle too closely. In other words, drivers who tailgate do not leave enough distance between their vehicle and the one ahead of them (i.e., the leading vehicle). Generally, that means tailgating drivers fail to leave at least 3 seconds of distance between their vehicle and the leading vehicle.

Highly risky and prone to causing accidents, tailgating is so dangerous because it may not give drivers enough time to slow down or stop when they need to. That’s most likely to result in motor vehicle accidents when:

Tailgating drivers are speeding and/or are impaired

Although tailgaters have very little time to maneuver or stop their vehicles, speeding — as well as distraction, alcohol intoxication, and fatigue — can reduce that time even more, making drivers far less alert and responsive. That can mean motorists aren’t able to do anything to avoid a crash, which may lead to far worse outcomes.

Lots of vehicles are on the roads

Tailgating on congested roads can give rise to multi-vehicle wrecks, especially if tailgating drivers don’t have time to brake and alert the motorists behind them that it’s necessary to stop.

The road and/or weather conditions are poor

 Poor visibility, slick roads, and debris in the roads can also contribute to severe tailgating accidents. The chances of those wrecks skyrocket when tailgating motorists fail to reduce their speeds in adverse weather or on risky roads.

These and other hazards of tailgating often create the perfect storm of conditions for serious rear-end collisions, with great potential for the negligent driver to be “sandwiched” in a crash. That means the tailgating driver can rear-end the vehicle they’re following and be rear-ended by the motorists who are behind them.

Why Do Drivers Tailgate?

Motorists may intentionally or accidentally tailgate for any number of reasons, most of which involve some form of negligence. Specifically, drivers tend to tailgate due (but not limited) to:
Regardless of whether drivers purposefully or unintentionally follow others too closely, they can be at least one party at fault for tailgating crashes and rear-end car accidents.
Closeup car in front has been damaged by accident with soft-focus and over light in the background

How Do I Know If Tailgating Caused My Car Wreck?

Did you or an accident witness see another motorist tailgating right before the crash? Were you involved in a rear-ended accident or a pileup wreck?

Those are just a couple of questions to answer as you work on figuring out whether tailgating was a factor in your motor vehicle crash. What can help you answer those (and other) key questions about a potential tailgating accident claim are:

How to Safely Handle Tailgaters on the Road: 5 Tips

If you notice a tailgater in your rearview mirror, here’s what you can do to stay safe and minimize the chances of a rear-ended accident:
Night traffic on an urban road
Stay calm. Don’t let a tailgater get under your skin and bait you into aggressive driving or road rage.
Pull over. Get into the right-most lane of traffic, when it’s safe to do so, and let tailgaters pass you. Get into the right-most lane of traffic, when it’s safe to do so, and let tailgaters pass you.
Get off the road. If you can’t safely pull over to let the tailgater pass, find the nearest right turn or exit to get away from the aggressive tailgater.
Maintain a safe speed. Don’t let a tailgater push you into speeding and don’t try to pump the brakes as a “warning” to the tailgater. While speeding can create additional risks, pumping the brakes could cause a rear-end accident or stoke road rage in a motorist who’s already driving aggressively.
Call police whenever a tailgater seems to be targeting you and/or you’re concerned about your safety or the safety of others on the roads. Call 911 if there’s any immediate, serious threat.

Talk to a 5-Star Tailgating Accident Lawyer 24/7

You don’t have to fight for justice and compensation alone after tailgating hurts you or someone you love. You can trust an experienced lawyer at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers for exceptional representation and client-focused service in the pursuit of the recovery you may deserve.

Our team is proud to provide the strategic, fearless advocacy we would expect if we were in your shoes, and we’re ready to fight in and outside the courtroom to help you win. Discover the difference our team can make in your claim and recovery by contacting us today.