truck in black and white


Texas Has Expanded Its Trucking Laws

Texas, which is renowned for its extensive highway system and thriving trucking industry, recently passed new legislation aimed at raising the bar for commercial vehicle safety. Three new laws that give local police agencies the power to enforce overweight regulations have been passed to expand the reach of truck enforcement, with fines ranging from $100 to $10,000.

This improvement comes in response to the growing demand for greater resources for commercial vehicle accident investigation and increased vigilance in traffic regulations for those vehicles. The specifics of the new legislation and its effects on Orange County, Waller County, and the city of Mesquite will be covered in-depth in this blog post.

Orange County: Strengthening Truck Enforcement

Orange County, situated along Interstate 10, has been included in the list of places where police departments can enforce overweight rules. The passage of House Bill 2901 empowers police in the cities of Orange, West Orange, Bridge City, and Vidor to enforce commercial vehicle safety standards.

The primary motivation behind this expansion is the redirection of resources by the Texas Department of Public Safety to address the ongoing border crisis. Consequently, there has been a decline in the enforcement of commercial vehicle traffic standards and insufficient resources to investigate commercial vehicle accidents.

However, concerns have been raised by Dana Moore of the Texas Trucking Association regarding the practices of small police departments. He expressed apprehension that truck drivers may be subject to multiple stops within a county without probable cause, solely based on their profession. Addressing these concerns and ensuring fair trucking enforcement practices will be crucial in maintaining a harmonious relationship between the trucking industry and law enforcement agencies.

Waller County: Enhancing Safety on Major Corridors

Waller County, located northwest of Houston, also received expanded enforcement authority through Senate Bill 323. This legislation enables the sheriff’s department to apply for certification to enforce truck rules. With four major corridors, including Farm to Market 359 and 362, Interstate 10, and U.S. 290, passing through the county, the need for enhanced truck enforcement has become apparent.

The bill analysis accompanying SB323 highlights the fact that commercial vehicles frequently utilize these corridors, while surrounding counties possess the authority to enforce certain truck safety regulations. The lack of enforcement in Waller County has created a disparity, prompting the need for additional measures to ensure consistent adherence to safety standards. By empowering the sheriff’s department with the ability to enforce truck rules, the new law seeks to address this disparity and improve overall road safety.

City of Mesquite: Strengthening Commercial Vehicle Safety

The authority to police commercial vehicle safety regulations has also been handed to the city of Mesquite, which is located close to Dallas. This change is a step in the right direction toward improving traffic safety in a busy city with a sizable trucking population.

The proposal attempts to supplement the current efforts of the Texas Department of Public Safety by granting local police agencies the authority to enforce truck regulations. Trucks will be more likely to be affected by weight limits, routine inspections, and other safety regulations.

Implications of These Law Changes

Let’s explore some of the key implications of these new laws.

Improved road safety: The primary objective of the new trucking laws is to enhance commercial vehicle safety standards and reduce potential trucking accidents on Texas roads. By expanding the authority to enforce truck rules, local police departments can play a more active role in ensuring compliance with weight restrictions, conducting inspections, and addressing other safety concerns. This increased enforcement is expected to contribute to a safer road environment for all users and reduce the likelihood of accidents caused by overweight or overloaded trucks.

Enhanced industry accountability: Trucking companies will face greater scrutiny under the expanded enforcement measures. With more local police departments authorized to enforce commercial vehicle safety standards, trucking companies will need to ensure strict compliance with regulations to avoid penalties and fines. This heightened accountability is likely to encourage industry players to prioritize safety practices, such as regular maintenance, driver training, and adherence to weight limits.

Resource allocation and collaboration: The new laws reflect a response to the resource limitations faced by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). By empowering local police departments to enforce truck rules, the burden on DPS resources is expected to be alleviated. This reallocation of resources allows DPS officers to focus on other critical law enforcement duties while ensuring that commercial vehicle safety standards are still upheld. Additionally, these laws encourage collaboration between various law enforcement agencies, fostering a collective effort to maintain road safety.

Economic implications: Any modifications to enforcement procedures may have an impact on the Texas economy because the trucking sector is so important. There may be worries about potential interruptions to the flow of goods and services even though the new legislation aims to increase safety. Increased enforcement actions can cause inspections to take longer than expected, extend transit times, and possibly have an impact on supply chains. These prospective alterations must be weighed against the long-term advantages of increased traffic safety and accident avoidance, which can have large financial consequences.

Fair enforcement practices: Concerns about the treatment of truck drivers fairly and equally arise from the expansion of truck enforcement authorities. It is crucial that law enforcement officials use their newly acquired authority wisely and refrain from focusing on or creating profiles of truck drivers based only on their line of work. To make sure that enforcement actions are based on justifications, such as contraventions of safety standards, rather than on arbitrary stops, clear criteria and training programs should be put in place. A strong connection between law enforcement authorities and the trucking industry can be maintained by continuing to police the law in a fair and respectful manner.

Final Thoughts

The adoption of these new trucking regulations in Texas represents a coordinated effort to increase traffic enforcement and road safety. Texas aims to address the need for more vigilance and resources to investigate commercial vehicle accidents by extending the jurisdiction to enforce overweight laws in Orange County, Waller County, and the city of Mesquite. By minimizing the number of bridge accidents, stopping overweight and overloaded lorries, and addressing other safety issues, these regulations seek to make Texas a safer place.

It is crucial to establish a balance between enforcing truck regulations and preserving the rights of professional drivers, even while questions regarding impartial enforcement methods and potential profiling of truck drivers have been raised. The successful implementation of these new regulations, thorough training of law enforcement personnel, and regular interaction between the trucking industry and local police agencies are all essential.


Texas Legislature Online. Bill: HB 2901

Texas Legislature Online. Bill: SB 323

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