Trey justin hero edit a full service legal team dedicated to personal injury


a full service legal team DEDICATED to personal injury

we earned the trust of thousands by doing everything we can to get what they deserve


Start On the Road to Recovery

After a bad motorcycle accident takes lands you in the hospital, it might seem like your recovery is far away. Indeed, the steps you take next will largely determine just how quickly and comfortably you can recover from your wreck. To give yourself a strong chance of getting back on your feet without defeating your bank account, you should team up with a trusted team of lawyers who can manage an injury claim on your behalf.

For the people of Fort Worth, Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers is the first law firm they trust for reliable legal representation and counsel. We are a powerful and eclectic team of legal professionals who can take a collective approach to difficult cases, which often catches the opposition off their balance. When met with the 20+ years of experience that we bring to each case, insurance companies feel the pressure to concede and give our clients fair settlement offers.

A full service legal team dedicated to personal injury
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Do more for your motorcycle accident case. Call us at (318) 221-1508 now.

Texas Motorcycle Helmet Law

Texas law requires all motorcycle riders who are under the age of 21 to wear a motorcycle helmet while the vehicle is in operation. Older riders can choose not to wear a helmet if they have current and applicable insurance.

Choosing not to wear a helmet is not good for two reasons:

  • Injury risk:
    Without a motorcycle helmet, you dramatically increase your risk of suffering a permanent head or brain injury in a crash. The majority of deaths in motorcycle accidents are suffered by riders with no helmets.
  • Liability risk:
    Furthermore, if you get hit while not wearing a helmet, then you run the risk of increasing your own liability for any damage related to your head injury. The defendant could argue that you knowingly chose to increase your risk of a head injury by not wearing a helmet and, therefore, they should not be fully liable for it.

What Damages Can You Sue For?

When we determine who is liable for your motorcycle accident and by how much, we can start to prepare a claim to file against them. An important part of your case is calculating how much money is owed to you, which is called your damages. In a motorcycle accident claim, you can seek non-economic and economic damages that reflect how much money, health, and happiness you have lost due to the crash that someone else caused.

Typical damages to pursue in a motorcycle accident claim include:

Medical treatments
The value of all your necessary medical treatments related to your motorcycle accident injuries should be paid to you through a settlement or award. We work diligently to calculate your future medical care, too, not just what you have already received.
Lost wages
If your income has been reduced because you cannot continue to work due to your injuries, then we can demand that income and the income you won’t earn in the future as part of your economic damages.
Pain and suffering
The physical pain, mental anguish, and emotional suffering you have experienced because of your injuries can be translated into a monetary recovery as a type of non-economic damage.
Permanent disability
When a motorcycle accident victim suffers a permanent disability, which is often the case, additional non-economic damages can be paid to them to account for the hardships and costs that will be endured due to that disability.

Start Your Motorcycle Accident Case Sooner Than Later

Don’t wait too long to take legal action after being in a wreck. Texas has a brief statute of limitations for injury claims. Once it expires, you cannot demand a recovery from the liable party, even if you have an excellent case that proves beyond any doubt that they alone caused your injuries.

To act sooner than later, get our Fort Worth motorcycle accident attorneys on your side today. Just pick up the phone, dial (318) 221-1508, schedule a FREE consultation, and tell us what happened. If we can work on your case, then we’ll tell you what we’ll do next to get you started down the path to a comfortable recovery.

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