Trey justin hero edit in the united states, doctors treat approximately 6. 8 million fractures annually. Broken bones have severe consequences, and understanding the types, severity, and causes is essential for a proper diagnosis and treatment. In negligence cases, legal assistance from an experienced broken bone injury lawyer is crucial to secure the compensation victims deserve. In this guide, we'll outline hiring a bone injury lawyer.

shreveport broken bone lawyers

a full service legal team DEDICATED to personal injury

we earned the trust of thousands by doing everything we can to get what they deserve

suffering a broken bone injury in shreveport?

In the United States, doctors treat approximately 6.8 million fractures annually. Broken bones have severe consequences, and understanding the types, severity, and causes is essential for a proper diagnosis and treatment. In negligence cases, legal assistance from an experienced broken bone injury lawyer is crucial to secure the compensation victims deserve. In this guide, we’ll outline hiring a bone injury lawyer.

What to Do if You Suffer a Broken Bone Injury?

As a victim, it is crucial to get a medical evaluation to validate your injuries. It is important to take evidence such as photographs at the scene, detailed notes, and as much evidence as possible. This information will be invaluable for your broken bones attorney to establish the other party’s negligence.  

A formal report will also be helpful in your case. So, depending on the gravity of the injury, you can dial 911 or a non-emergency dispatch number to ensure an official police report is filed. This will be essential for your lawyer to advocate on your behalf. If you don’t involve the authorities, proving the negligent party’s involvement or culpability can be more challenging.  

Avoid direct communication with insurance companies. This is because defendants and their insurance often pose obstacles, and the complex injury claims process can be daunting, which is why it is essential for victims to always have a legal representation. Reaching out to a broken bones attorney post-accident enhances your chances of securing damages and getting optimal compensation.  

Schedule Your Consultation

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Types of Broken Bones

These are the most common types of broken bones: 

Stable Fractures

Characterized by the bone's structure remaining largely intact, stable fractures result from low-impact injuries or stress fractures. Symptoms are mild, with minimal pain and swelling. Treatment typically involves immobilization with casts or braces.

Open Fractures

Considered more severe, open fractures occur when the bone punctures the skin, leading to an open wound. Immediate medical attention, surgery, and antibiotic therapy are crucial to mitigate the risk of infection.

Closed Fractures

The broken bone does not breach the skin, and common causes include falls or blunt force trauma. Treatment involves immobilization, pain management, and rehabilitation.

Non-displaced Fractures

The bone cracks while maintaining alignment, often caused by direct impact or twisting injuries. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and limited mobility, with treatment involving immobilization using casts or splints. Severe cases may require surgery.

Displaced Fractures

Involve both a crack and a separation of bone pieces. It commonly occurs in high-impact accidents, falls, or sports injuries, leading to visible deformity, swelling, and intense pain. Treatment often requires surgical intervention for realignment.

simple fractures

This type of broken bone involves a clean break with little separation between bone fragments, often treated with casts, braces, or splints.

greenstick fractures

Common in children, the bone bends but does not break completely, requiring immobilization for proper healing.

transverse fractures

A simple fracture occurring at a right angle, typically treated with alignment and stabilization through casting or surgical intervention.

oblique fractures

Characterized by a slant or curved angle, oblique fractures often require immediate medical attention and may involve surgery.

linear fractures

Typically affecting long bones, linear fractures result in a break along the bone's length, often treated with immobilization using casts, braces, or surgery for severe cases.

spiral fractures

Manifests in a twisting pattern, causing severe pain, swelling, and limited mobility. Treatment may involve casting or surgical intervention for stabilization.

comminuted fractures

One of the most severe types, comminuted fractures occur when a bone fractures at several points, often requiring surgical intervention to reconstruct and stabilize the fragmented bone.

Types of Accidents Leading to Broken Bones

Vehicle Collisions

Motor vehicle accidents significantly contribute to broken bones. The force generated during a collision can result in fractures ranging from minor to severe. An impact with parts of the vehicle like the dashboard can lead to fractures in the limbs, ribs, or even the spine. 

Slip-and-Fall Incidents  

Slip-and-fall accidents are common, especially in public places, workplaces, or residences. A sudden loss of balance can lead to falls, causing wrists, arms, hips, or ankle fractures. Uneven surfaces, wet floors, or poorly maintained walkways contribute to the risk of these accidents. 

Falling Objects

Accidents involving falling objects pose a threat to individuals in various settings. Construction sites, warehouses, or even household environments can be scenes of falling objects causing fractures upon impact. Head injuries, broken limbs, or spinal fractures are potential outcomes of such incidents. 

Sports Injuries

Participation in sports comes with the risk of injuries, including broken bones. High-impact sports or those involving intense physical contact increase the likelihood of fractures. Common injuries include broken arms, legs, or collarbones, particularly in contact sports like football or rugby. 

Workplace Accidents

Certain professions expose individuals to a higher risk of broken bones due to workplace accidents. Falls from heights, machinery accidents, or heavy equipment incidents can result in fractures. Workers in construction, manufacturing, or agriculture are particularly susceptible. 

Pedestrian Accidents 

Pedestrians are vulnerable to fractures when involved in accidents with motor vehicles. The impact of a collision can lead to broken bones, especially in the limbs or pelvis. Crossing intersections or walking in areas with heavy traffic increases the risk of such accidents. 

Common Causes of Broken Bones

Blunt Force Trauma 

Blunt force trauma occurs when a part of the body collides with a solid object, resulting in fractures. This can happen in various scenarios, such as car accidents, physical altercations, or accidental impacts. The severity of the fracture often correlates with the force of the impact. 

Falls from Heights

Falls from heights, whether from ladders, stairs, or elevated surfaces, can lead to severe fractures. The impact on landing can cause fractures in the spine, limbs, or even the skull. Construction sites, elevated work platforms, or improperly secured elevated areas pose heightened risk. 

Twisting Injuries

Twisting injuries can cause fractures, especially in weight-bearing joints like the ankle or knee. Sudden, forceful twists during sports activities or accidents can lead to fractures, such as a twisted ankle resulting in a broken bone. 

Repetitive Stress Motions

Certain activities involving repetitive stress motions can contribute to stress fractures. Over time, the repeated stress on a particular bone can lead to small cracks. This is common in athletes or individuals engaged in activities that involve repetitive impact, such as running or jumping. 

Age-Related Fragility

As individuals age, bones become more brittle and prone to fractures. Conditions like osteoporosis further weaken bones, making them susceptible to fractures even with minimal trauma. Falls that might not cause fractures in younger individuals can lead to significant injuries in the elderly. 

Compensation for Broken Bone Injuries

When a broken bone occurs as a result of someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions, the injured party has the right to seek compensation. The legal framework provides various avenues to address the financial, medical, and emotional consequences of such injuries. 

Types of Compensation

Medical Expenses 

One of the primary components of compensation for broken bone injuries is coverage for medical expenses. This includes the costs associated with emergency medical care, hospitalization, surgeries, doctor visits, medications, rehabilitation, and any necessary assistive devices. Ensuring comprehensive coverage for current and future medical needs is vital. 

Lost Income

Broken bone injuries often lead to time away from work, resulting in lost income. Compensation can include reimbursement for wages lost during the recovery period. For those facing long-term or permanent disabilities, compensation may extend to future earning capacity reductions. 

Pain and Suffering

Pain and suffering encompass the physical and emotional distress caused by the injury. While challenging to quantify, compensation may be awarded to address the mental anguish, trauma, and reduced quality of life experienced due to the broken bone. This category aims to acknowledge the non-economic impact of the injury. 

Psychological Counseling

The emotional toll of a broken bone injury can be profound, leading to anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress. Compensation may be sought for psychological counseling or therapy to address the mental health challenges arising from the injury. 

Disfigurement and Loss of Enjoyment of Life

Severe fractures may cause disfigurement or result in a loss of enjoyment of life. Compensation can be pursued to address the emotional distress associated with physical changes and the limitations imposed on one’s ability to enjoy activities they once did. 

Loss of Consortium

In cases where the injury affects personal relationships, spouses or family members may seek compensation for loss of consortium, which means the loss of companionship, support, and intimacy. 

Legal Avenues for Compensation

Personal Injury Lawsuits

Personal injury lawsuits are a common avenue for seeking compensation for broken bone injuries. To pursue this legal action, the plaintiff must demonstrate that the other party defendant was negligent or at fault for the injury. This typically involves proving a duty of care, a breach of that duty, causation, and resulting damages. To carry out this process successfully, you need a professional personal injury lawyer.

Workers’ Compensation

For broken bones in the workplace, workers’ compensation provides a mechanism for obtaining compensation. This system allows employees to receive benefits, including medical expenses and lost wages, without the need to prove fault. However, it generally limits the ability to sue the employer for additional damages. 

Product Liability Claims

If a broken bone results from a defective product, the injured party may pursue a product liability claim. Manufacturers, distributors, or sellers may be held responsible for injuries caused by their products. These claims often involve proving that the product was defective and unreasonably dangerous. 

Premises Liability Claims

If a broken bone occurs due to hazardous conditions on someone else’s property, a premises liability claim may be applicable. Property owners or managers have a duty to maintain safe conditions. Proving negligence involves demonstrating that the owner knew or should have known about the dangerous conditions and failed to address them. 

Challenges in Seeking Compensation

While compensation is available, pursuing it may involve navigating legal complexities and challenges. Insurance companies may resist providing full and fair compensation, and legal proceedings can be time-consuming. Having legal representation, such as a skilled personal injury attorney, can significantly impact the chances of a successful claim.  

Why You Need a Broken Bones Lawyer in Shreveport?


Suffering from a broken bone is physically painful and financially challenging. This is especially bad, considering your workplace should take the appropriate measures to ensure your safety. But this is not always the case. In such instances, seeking the expertise of a broken-bones lawyer becomes crucial. Here are a few reasons why hiring a broken-bones lawyer in Shreveport is a good idea.

Legal Experience

When a broken bone occurs due to the negligence or wrongful actions of another party, the legal procedures can be more complex. Legal proceedings are intricate, involving complex statutes, insurance negotiations, and potential disputes. A broken bone lawyer specializes in personal injury law, understanding the nuances of such cases and advocating for the rights of the injured. Only with extensive experience in the subject of broken bone injuries can build a powerful case for yourself that ensures the maximum compensation available.

Building a Case

A key role of a broken bone lawyer is to construct a solid case that establishes liability and demonstrates the extent of the damages suffered by the injured party. Without the right case, you can end up without any compensation for your injuries. This involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, consulting with medical experts, and assessing the full impact of the injury on the individual’s life. 

Maximizing Compensation

One of the primary goals of a broken bone lawyer is to maximize your compensation through a well-built case. This goes beyond securing funds for immediate medical expenses and encompasses the broader spectrum of damages, including lost income, pain and suffering, rehabilitation costs, and potential long-term disability. Broken bone attorneys have the experience to assess the full scope of damages and ensure that every aspect is considered in the pursuit of compensation. Sometimes, the expenses are ongoing and lifelong. So, it’s vital to consider long-term damages.

Negotiation With Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies is not always straightforward for individuals unfamiliar with the intricacies of claims and negotiations. Broken-bone lawyers act as advocates for their clients in interactions with insurance providers. They understand the tactics insurance adjusters employ to minimize payouts and can skillfully negotiate on behalf of the injured party to achieve a fair settlement. 

Exploring Legal Avenues

A broken bone lawyer assesses the injury’s circumstances and determines the most appropriate legal avenue for pursuing compensation. This could involve filing a personal injury lawsuit, seeking workers’ compensation benefits, or exploring product liability or premises liability claims. The ability to identify the optimal legal strategy is a hallmark of an experienced attorney. 

Mitigating Legal Complexities

From filing the necessary paperwork to meeting stringent deadlines and adhering to legal protocols, the process is complicated. A broken bone lawyer is well-versed in these intricacies, ensuring that all procedural requirements are met and potential legal pitfalls are navigated with finesse. This is tied up with the previous points, highlighting the importance of counting on an experienced law firm by your side.

Counsel and Support

Beyond the legal aspects, a broken bone lawyer serves as a source of support and guidance for the injured individual. It’s not easy going through this process. Getting lost in bureaucracy is overwhelming and very taxing on people’s mental wellbeing, when all you want is to get compensated for an injury that was not your fault. Attorneys offer counsel, answer questions, and provide reassurance throughout the process, fostering a sense of confidence in the pursuit of

Man pointing to something on the wall

Get the Compensation You Deserve in Shreveport

Broken bones are very common. It is important to understand the type, severity, and causes of your injury to build a compelling case for you. This awareness is critical when negligence is involved. Otherwise, you can’t transmit the full scope of your damages. The importance of seeking legal counsel from a broken bone injury lawyer is crucial to ensure you receive the compensation that you rightfully deserve. Consult with a trusted law firm right away to start building your case.



The Ohio State University. Arm Injury Statistics 

Cleveland Clinic. Bone Fractures 

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