Trey justin hero edit you hear about accidents caused by texting drivers, and despite constant warnings and the new laws, some drivers continue to put others at risk by texting while driving. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by another who was texting while driving, a car wreck attorney at morris & dewett injury lawyers can help you fight for financial compensation to help you with your recovery.


a full service legal team DEDICATED to personal injury

we earned the trust of thousands by doing everything we can to get what they deserve


Pursuing Compensation After a Car Wreck

You hear about accidents caused by texting drivers, and despite constant warnings and the new laws, some drivers continue to put others at risk by texting while driving. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident caused by another who was texting while driving, a car wreck attorney at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers can help you fight for financial compensation to help you with your recovery.

A Shreveport injury attorney from our firm has decades of experience in personal injury cases and will be able to advise you on the best course of action. Don’t rely on insurance companies to fully pay what you are entitled to. Unfortunately, that’s not totally reliable. We have the knowledge and experience you need and we are genuinely dedicated to your best interests.

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Trustworthy Guidance from Our Shreveport Car Accident Attorney

There is little that is more frustrating than suffering the devastating effects caused by a driver with utter disregard for the law and the safety of their fellow drivers. We understand how disheartening this can be to the victims. It can actually make one’s recovery more difficult. This is an excellent reason to seek the services of a seasoned and tireless car accident attorney from our firm.

We are resolute in our use of the justice system towards the righting of wrongs caused by the negligence of others. We understand your frustration and we want to help. We have helped countless others and are members of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum®. Our reputation is excellent. We encourage you to meet with a Shreveport car accident lawyer and let them help you to recover compensation.

You will not find a better law firm to represent you in Shreveport. Contact us today.

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