Morris Lawyers


When it comes to car insurance, as adults we pay a certain amount of money, perhaps for us and our spouse. However, down the road we may consider adding our new teen drivers to the insurance policy which means that our rates will greatly increase. Believe it or not, when an adult adds their teen to their insurance plan, premium rates can double. Some states take it to an entirely new level, in order to attempt to prevent accidents by increasing it as much as 84 percent for just one new driver.

For example, due to the many open roads and rural areas in the state of Arkansas, a parent will have to pay a 116 percent increase on their premium rates in order to add their teenage driver to their auto insurance plan. Why is this? According to an insurance expert, the more rural the areas, the greater likelihood of devastating accidents and even more deaths.

Teen Drivers and the Risk of Car Accidents

Not only that, but when it comes to drivers it is more expensive for a male teenage driver to have a license than it is for a female. As the years go by, premium rates will continue to decrease, and for some companies, if a driver upholds good grades throughout high school and college and maintain a good driving record than your rates will continue to decline over time. Today, car accidents remain the leading cause of teenage deaths, which is why these rates are so high.

In the event that you’re loved one has been involved in an accident, whether by a teen driver or an older driver, do not hesitate in taking legal action. Perhaps your child was a victim of a teen who was texting while driving or was under the influence of alcohol. Whatever the case, contact a Shreveport injury attorney at Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers today to further discus your case!

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