Trey justin hero edit a wrongful death in louisiana is defined as a death that happens “due to the fault of another” person or party. Essentially, if negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongdoing occurred and that caused someone to lose their life, then it is a wrongful death. Another way to think about it is that if the person had survived their illness or injury and could have then filed a personal injury claim, a wrongful death claim is justified because they did not survive.


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Honor the Memory of Your Lost Loved One
Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers in Bossier City would be honored to act as your legal counsel after losing a loved one to an accident. With a team of wrongful death lawyers at your back, you will feel confident that your case is being made correctly and effectively. We would be happy to represent you in and out of court, too, because we know that it could be painfully difficult to even be in the same room as the person or party that took your loved one away. You can leave every part of your case up to us if you prefer. We want to do whatever is needed to make you comfortable during such a trying experience.
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Wrongful Death Defined

A wrongful death in Louisiana is defined as a death that happens “due to the fault of another” person or party. Essentially, if negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongdoing occurred and that caused someone to lose their life, then it is a wrongful death. Another way to think about it is that if the person had survived their illness or injury and could have then filed a personal injury claim, a wrongful death claim is justified because they did not survive.

Common causes of wrongful deaths include:

Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim?

Not everyone who knew the person who passed away due to someone else’s negligence can file a wrongful death claim under Louisiana law. Only certain parties close to the deceased have this legal option. Our Bossier City wrongful death attorneys can help you understand if you can file a claim.
In this order of precedence, the parties that get the right to file a wrongful death claim include:
  • 1
    Spouse and/or children
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
If there is no surviving party to file a wrongful death claim, then the wrongful death claim might be unable to advance. Be sure to speak with us to see if there are any alternative options, though.
Funerary urn with ashes of dead and flowers at funeral
Middle age grey-haired man doctor stressed working at clinic

Damages in a Wrongful Death Case

There is not enough money on Earth to replace your lost loved one or undo the harm that you have felt because of their untimely passing. But it is true that receiving financial compensation from the liable party can be a huge boon for you and your family. Not only can you regain financial stability if your loved one made the majority of your family’s income, but it can also be a crucial step in finding a sense of closure that allows you to continue moving through the grieving process.

Economic damages that you can claim include:

Non-economic damages that might be available include:

Brief Statute of Limitations

Louisiana only has a brief one-year statute of limitations for wrongful death claims. It begins on the date of the person’s death, not on the day that they were fatally injured or diagnosed with a terminal illness, though. When the statute of limitations expires, you essentially cannot file a claim for compensation afterward, so you must act quickly. Please call (318) 221-1508 now.

Thank You for Considering Our Law Firm

You are going through a difficult time right now, perhaps the worst challenge of your life. Give yourself the time and space you need to grieve and overcome these painful days by handing your wrongful death case to our Bossier City attorneys. No one fights for our clients quite like we do!

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