Can I be fired for reporting a safety violation at a plant

Can I be fired for reporting a safety violation at a plant

Plant safety is a fundamental right for every employee. When a safety violation is identified, reporting it is essential for personal well-being and the collective safety of the entire workforce. However, concerns about retaliation and job security often deter employees from reporting violations. This article addresses the frequently asked questions regarding reporting safety violations and protection against wrongful termination in the states of Louisiana and Texas.

Protection Against Retaliation: Safeguarding Employees’ Rights

Federal laws provide robust protections to employees who exercise their right to report Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) violations.

Legal Safeguards

You are shielded under federal law, which explicitly prohibits any form of retaliation from employers due to the reporting of OSHA workplace safety violations. This means you cannot be terminated, demoted, harassed, or otherwise discriminated against for fulfilling your duty to maintain a safe work environment.

Whistleblower Protection Program

In the unfortunate event that an employer does engage in retaliatory actions, you have recourse through the Whistleblower Protection Program. This program offers a formal channel for employees to report instances of retaliation. By doing so, affected employees not only protect their rights but also contribute to maintaining the integrity of plant safety regulations.

Texas Workplace Protections

Texas offers multiple workplace protections that safeguard workers from inappropriate employer retaliation. 

Protection for Good Faith Reporting

Employees in Texas are safeguarded when they report health and safety violations in good faith. This means that if employees genuinely believe there is a violation and report it, they are shielded from retaliatory actions. This protection is vital, encouraging employees to be vigilant about workplace safety without fearing losing their jobs.

Filing Workers’ Compensation Claims

You also have the right to file workers’ compensation claims without fear of termination. This protection ensures that people who suffer job-related injuries or illnesses can seek proper medical care and compensation without worrying about job security.

Refusing Illegal Actions

Texas employees are empowered to refuse to engage in any illegal activities instructed by their employers. You can and should decline if an employer demands actions that violate the law.

Reporting Discrimination

Texas law protects you from discrimination based on various factors, including race, religion, gender, age, disability, and more. If you experience discrimination or witness it in the plant, you can report it without facing bad consequences.

Reporting Illegal Violations

Apart from safety violations, if you become aware of any illegal activities within the plant, you should be able to report them. Whether it’s financial misconduct, environmental violations, or any other illegal actions, you are protected against employer retaliation by the law.

Louisiana Workplace Rights

Louisiana offers some of the same protections to employees as Texas. 

Right to a Safe Workplace

In Louisiana, you also have the right to work in a safe and healthy plant. Employers are legally obligated to maintain conditions that ensure the well-being of their employees. Any violations of safety standards can be reported without the fear of repercussions.

Protection Against Discrimination

As in Texas, discrimination is a serious issue that should be reported if you encounter it. The law protects you from your employer in this scenario.

Legal Recourse for Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination is when an employee is unlawfully dismissed from their job. Employees terminated for reporting safety violations often face a daunting challenge. Fortunately, the legal system provides robust protection to ensure that such individuals are not left without recourse. With our strong experience with industrial accidents, you can be confident that  Morris & Dewett will aggressively advocate for your rights. 

Viable Grounds for Wrongful Termination Claims

Several situations provide you with a legitimate reason to pursue a claim for wrongful termination. 

Membership in a Protected Class

One of the strongest grounds for a wrongful termination claim is the violation of anti-discrimination laws. You can’t be terminated due to being a protected class member, which includes categories such as race, religion, gender, age, disability, and national origin. If an employer terminates an employee because they belong to any of these protected classes, it constitutes a clear violation of their rights.

Retaliation for Reporting Safety Violations

Employees have a fundamental right to report safety violations without fearing retaliation. If an employer terminates an employee expressly because they reported a safety violation, it constitutes an act of retaliation, strictly prohibited under federal and state laws. Employers cannot punish employees for upholding their commitment to a safe plant.

Challenges in Proving Wrongful Termination

Proving wrongful termination can be complicated. Employers often attempt to mask their discriminatory or retaliatory actions, making it challenging for employees to present a clear case. However, with the right legal counsel and supporting evidence, employees can build a strong case against their former employers.

Collecting Evidence

You must meticulously collect evidence that supports your claim. This can include records of the safety violation report, any subsequent communication with the employer, witness statements, and any employment evaluations or performance records demonstrating the employee’s competence.

Expert Legal Assistance

Seeking legal counsel from experienced employment attorneys significantly strengthens your position. Employment lawyers specialize in navigating the complexities of labor laws, enabling them to identify crucial evidence, build compelling arguments, and advocate for their clients in court.

Legal Remedies for Wrongful Termination

If you prove wrongful termination, you may be entitled to various remedies, including:

Reinstatement means you can get your job back if you choose to.

Recovery of lost salary and benefits. You could also get paid for the unemployed period due to the wrongful termination. This can include lost wages as well as benefits.

Compensatory Damages cover emotional distress, mental anguish, and any other psychological impact resulting from the wrongful termination.

Punitive damages: In cases of extreme wrongdoing by the employer, you may receive punitive damages to punish the employer and deter similar actions in the future. 

Reporting a Safety Violation

When faced with a safety violation at a plant, you must navigate the reporting process effectively. The initial step involves gathering detailed and pertinent information, including personal contact details, comprehensive employer information, and the name of the immediate supervisor or manager involved. However, merely having this information is not enough. It must be meticulously organized into a well-structured complaint.

How to Contact OSHA

Once the complaint is prepared, the next step is initiating contact with OSHA. Fortunately, employees in both Louisiana and Texas have multiple avenues through which they can file their complaints.

Online Platforms

OSHA’s website offers user-friendly interfaces where employees can submit their complaints electronically. These online forms guide you through the process so that all necessary information is provided.

Telephone Hotlines

OSHA also operates dedicated phone lines through which employees can verbally report violations. Speaking directly with OSHA representatives allows for immediate clarification of doubts and makes it more likely that all relevant details are accurately conveyed.

Traditional Methods

OSHA still accepts complaints through mail or fax. Although these avenues might take longer than online submissions, they remain viable options, especially for those more comfortable with physical documentation.

Contact A Lawyer If Were Wrongfully Fired

Reporting safety violations is not just a right but a responsibility that encourages a secure working environment for everyone. Federal and state laws protect employees in Louisiana and Texas, allowing them to report violations without being deterred by the threat of retaliation. 


OSHA. File a Complaint.

OSHA. Whistleblowers can now file complaints online with OSHA.

Morris & Dewett provides this information to the public for general education and interest. The firm does not represent clients in every topic discussed in answers to frequent questions. The information is curated and produced based on questions commonly asked or search terms commonly used. Every effort is made to provide accurate information. Do not make any decision solely based on the information provided, please seek relevant counsel for each topic area. Consult an attorney before making any legal decision, consult a doctor before making any medical decision, and consult a financial advisor before making any fiscal decision. Information provided is not legal advice. If you have any legal needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are pleased to assist you.