Lawyers Trey and Justing

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vacation rental

Essential Questions About Vacation Rental Liability | Airbnb Liability & Vrbo Liability

2024AnswersHolidayPropertyLiabilityRental Liability
Vacation rental platforms such as Airbnb and Vrbo have revolutionized the travel industry, offering unique accommodations and experiences to millions of travelers each year. As the popularity of these platforms...
a group of trick or treating kids on halloween need to stay safe from pedestrian accidents

How to keep children safe during Halloween from pedestrian accidents

Halloween can be an incredibly fun holiday for the entire family to enjoy until someone gets involved in a pedestrian accident. You may already know that pedestrian accidents are more common...
woman at her front door giving children candy for halloween

Trick-or-Treater Injury Liability?

Celebrating Halloween is one of the favorite events of millions of families all over the country. However, this spooky holiday can easily become a nightmare without adequate precautions. If you...
children on a road trick or treating avoiding a pedestrian accident

How Common Are Pedestrian Accidents During Halloween?

You may have heard of the age-old cautionary tale about Halloween candy laced with drugs, poison, and other harmful substances. However, a pedestrian accident is far more likely to cause...