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photo of a white motorcycle helmet laying on a paved road after an accident

What Are the Most Common Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents?

AnswersMotor VehicleCommon InjuriesMotorcycleMotorcycle AccidentMotorcycle Injuries
Motorcycle accidents occur for different reasons, with varying degrees of impact. Some have more severe adverse effects than others. Sometimes, the negligence of motorists causes motorcycle accidents, and other times...
motorcycle helmet hanging off the handles of a parked motorcycle

Motorcycle Accident But No Helmet

Highway SafetyLegal ProcessHelmetMotorcycle
Universal helmet laws, which require both riders and passengers to wear helmets while operating or riding a motorcycle, have been shown to prevent severe injury and death in cases of...
a motorcycle, blue, on a white shield with hands covering them symbolizing motorcycle insurance

Is Motorcycle Insurance Separate From Car Insurance?

Nearly every state in the United States mandates motorcyclists to have insurance coverage. If you are a motorcyclist, you must show proof of insurance policy when registering your motorcycle before you...
young man holding a helmet and talking on his phone, sitting on his motorcycle

How Dangerous Is Owning a Motorcycle?

Motor VehicleMotorcycleRisk
Riding a motorcycle is undoubtedly dangerous. You face significant risks that other motor vehicle drivers do not. Your bike cannot protect you from the impact of another car. You are...