Lawyers Trey and Justing

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broken tailbone

Bruised or Broken Tailbone: Understanding the Injury and Your Legal Options

2025AnswersInjuriesLegal ProcessBroken BoneTailbone
People with a bruised or broken tailbone experience painful symptoms that significantly affect their lives. Pain, bruising, and swelling may prevent you from working, getting restful sleep, or spending time...
maritime dry docking

What Is Dry Docking? Legal Considerations for Maritime Workers

2025AnswersIndustrialMaritimeDry DockingMaritime
Ship maintenance requires access to the underside of the vessel which is typically underwater. Dry docking provides this access in a shipyard or in the open ocean. The dry docking...
distracted driving

Top Distracted Driving Tips for Truck Drivers: Staying Focused on the Road

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleDistracted DrivingTruck Drivers
With so many distractions on the road, truck drivers must pay attention when operating their vehicles to avoid serious collisions. Unfortunately, data shows that hundreds of fatal truck crashes every year...
dangerous highway

The Most Dangerous Highways for Truck Accidents in Louisiana and Texas

2025AnswersHighway SafetyLouisianaMotor VehicleTexas
Hundreds of people have lost their lives while driving on the most dangerous highways in Texas​ and Louisiana. Learn about truck accidents on these highways, what makes the roads so...
commercial driving safety tips

Top Commercial Driving Safety Tips: Protect Yourself and Others on the Road

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleHighway SafetyMotor VehicleCommercial Driving
Commercial driving presents a variety of challenges for both commercial vehicle operators and those sharing the road. At Morris & Dewett Injury Lawyers, we are committed to encouraging safe, legally...
18 wheeler

What You Need to Know About Driving an 18-Wheeler: Safety Tips and Legal Insights

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleLegal Process18 WheelerTruck Drivers
18-wheeler truck driving accidents are often catastrophic, especially when they involve smaller vehicles. These crashes can lead to severe injuries, fatalities, and significant property damage. Understanding the common causes of...
hiring an attorney commercial accident claim

The Importance of Hiring an Attorney for a Commercial Vehicle Accident Claim

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleLegal ProcessAccident ClaimsCommercial Vehicle
You may have the right to receive financial compensation after suffering a truck accident injury. Getting to that point, however, is rarely easy. While the law doesn't require you to...
truck accident statistics

Truck Accident Statistics: Key Facts and Trends in the United States

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleMotor VehicleStatisticsTruck Accident
Over 14 million large trucks share the roads with much smaller passenger cars transporting people as they head to work and school, run errands, and travel.  At 20 to 30...
truck accident lawsuit

How Long Does a Truck Accident Lawsuit Take?

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleMotor VehicleCommon AccidentsLawsuit
If you've been injured in a truck accident, you may have the right to seek compensation through a truck accident lawsuit. The time it takes to resolve a truck accident...
truck speeding

The Impact of Speeding in Truck Accidents: Risks and Consequences

2025AnswersCommercial VehicleHighway SafetyMotor VehicleSpeeding
Speeding is dangerous driving behavior and comes with many terrible consequences for drivers and others on the road. It can make it easier for a driver to lose control of...