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a well head on an open filed symbolizing fracking oil and gas on a property

What are the risks of fracking on your property?

AnswersIndustrialPropertyFrackingOil and GasRisk
Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is an unconventional way of extracting oil from the ground for commercial purposes. This technique blasts water, sand, and chemicals into the bedrock...
a burning building in an industrial district

What Are the Most Common Industrial Accidents?

AnswersIndustrialOn The JobIndustrial Accidents
Employers have a responsibility to protect workers from harm while in their employment. Failure to do so leaves the employer open to liability for any injuries that occur. Many common...
an offshore platform at sea representing the deepwater horizon

What happened at the Deepwater Horizon?

AnswersIndustrialMaritimeDeepwater HorizonOil and GasOil Rig Explosion
The Deepwater Horizon disaster of 2010 caused 134 million gallons of oil to pour into the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people and injuring 17 more. It had devastating ecological...
helicopter flying over water to deliver oil rig workers

How Common Are Helicopter Crashes in Offshore Industries?

AnswersIndustrialOn The JobCrashHelicopterOffshore
The offshore industry relies heavily on helicopters to transport workers, food supplies, and any essential items to and from oil rigs. Unfortunately, helicopter crashes are common and a leading cause...
oil and gas head pumping

How Common Are Oil Field Explosions?

AnswersIndustrialBlowoutsExplosionsOil and Gas
Oil field explosions, whether onshore or offshore, are terrible accidents. Once the explosion happens, it is almost impossible to control the reaction. There's also a high likelihood of fatality or...
oil rig, offshore workers waiting to be evacuated

How Common Are Oil Rig Evacuations or Serious Accidents?

AnswersIndustrialEvacuationOil Rig
Like plane crashes, serious oil rig accidents and evacuations make the headlines because they have far-reaching consequences and do not happen often. Incidents, such as fire outbreaks, explosions, exposure to...
industrial accident

What Steps Should I Take After an Industrial Accident?

Industrial work comes with many hazards to your health. These are some of the most dangerous jobs out there. There is a significant risk of accidental injury or even death....
Can I be fired for reporting a safety violation at a plant

Can I be fired for reporting a safety violation at a plant

Plant safety is a fundamental right for every employee. When a safety violation is identified, reporting it is essential for personal well-being and the collective safety of the entire workforce....

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