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Doctor bandaging patient’s burned hand

What Are the Long-Term Costs of Severe Burns?

Many of us have suffered burns while cooking at home, due to overexposure to the sun, or while working with chemicals. Such household burns can hurt, but they are minor...
Liability for serious injuries in no-fault states

Liability for Serious Injuries in No-Fault States?

2024AnswersInjuriesMotor VehicleLiability
Navigating the recovery process after an accident in a no-fault state is different from an at-fault state. While injury victims in at-fault states may file a personal injury lawsuit right...
Hands holding the drawing of a brain

What is Descending Paralysis?

Being involved in an accident can cause catastrophic injuries, including neck, spine, and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). All of these injuries could also cause severe damage to critical nerves, which can sometimes cause partial...
A man sitting and holding a wheelchair

What Is Generalized Paralysis?

Generalized paralysis is when a person loses the ability to control multiple parts of the body. Examples include being paralyzed in an arm and leg on the same side, paralysis...
The effects of catastrophic injuries on mental health

The Effects of Catastrophic Injuries on Mental Health

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalCatastrophic Injury
Following an accident or traumatic event, physical injuries are easy to see. Paralysis, severe burns, blindness, traumatic brain injuries, fractures, and amputations are especially visible to others. But the psychological...
What is proximal paralysis?

What Is Proximal Paralysis?

Proximal paralysis, or proximal myopathy, is a condition that weakens the limb muscles and affects mobility. Walking, climbing stairs, and lifting objects become challenging for people suffering from this condition....
What is the glasgow coma scale and how does it affect tbi cases?

What is the Glasgow Coma Scale and how does it affect TBI Cases?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are more common than most people think. Based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were approximately 214,110 TBI-related hospitalizations in...
Frightened woman sits in front of wrecked car closeup

Automobile Deaths – Most Dangerous States

AnswersEconomicsHighway SafetyNegligence
What Are the Most Dangerous States for Automobile Deaths? Accidents happen everywhere in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 6,102,936 police-reported crashes...
Bicycle crash

How Is Liability Determined in a Bicycle Accident With a Vehicle?

AnswersMotor VehicleBicycle AccidentLiability
Bicycle accidents can cause severe and catastrophic injuries or even result in fatalities. Given how vulnerable bicyclists are due to the lack of protection vehicle owners enjoy, it’s understandable for...
Brain disease diagnosis with medical doctor seeing magnetic resonance imaging (mri)

What Is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

AnswersInjuriesMedicalTBITraumatic Brain Injury
Every day, people across the U.S. are injured and suffer brain injuries. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the U.S. in 2021, there were...

Does Liability Change if You Are Driving Without a License?

AnswersHighway SafetyInsuranceLiability
While driving without a license in Louisiana, Texas, or any other state is illegal, it is a far too common practice nationwide. The issue with unlicensed drivers is that there...
Big trucks on i-20 are breaking the law

Big Trucks on I-20 are Breaking the Law

ArticlesHighway SafetyLouisianaNews18 Wheeler
You’ve probably seen – and gotten stuck in – the construction traffic on I-20 in Bossier. You’ve probably also seen the big trucks and 18-wheelers squeezing into the lane in...
Firefighters working

Are Severe Burns Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

AnswersInjuriesMedicalCatastrophic InjurySevere Burns
Burn injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Regardless of how careful you are, accidents are unplanned, and someone else’s negligence could result in severe burns. Burn injuries...
Frequently asked question about bicycle riders called cyclists colliding with automobiles

Risks of bicycle riding on a highway?

AnswersHighway SafetyBicycle Accident
Bicycling is one of the fastest-growing modes of transportation in America. However, as more people hit the roads on two wheels, they encounter more drivers on four wheels. Not all...
Radiologist examining a woman in wheelchair's x-ray of human spine during a visit at hospital

What Percentage of Spinal Cord Injuries Are Caused By Car Accidents?

AnswersHighway SafetyMedicalMotor VehicleCar Accident
Automobile and motorcycle accidents are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries in the United States, accounting for nearly 50 percent of new spinal cord injuries each year. Spinal cord...
Traffic lights and pedestrian crossing sign in a city.

Where Do Pedestrian Accidents Commonly Occur?

Being hit by a car is bad enough when you’re in another car. It’s worse when you’re a pedestrian and have nothing to protect you from thousands of pounds of...
Medical staff helping patient with neck brace

Recovery Time for a Broken Neck

A broken neck can cause excruciating pain and alter your life permanently. We answered the most common questions about dealing with broken necks. What’s the Recovery Time for a Broken...
What is personal injury protection insurance

What You Need To Know About Managing Costs of Catastrophic Injuries

The last thing you want to think about after a catastrophic injury is money. The sad truth is that these significant injuries can damage your financial health. High medical costs,...
X-ray of the head and brain of a person

Long-Term Complications From a TBI

AnswersInjuriesMedicalTBITraumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that are the result of motor vehicle accidents, falls, sports injuries, military combat, or assaults can have long-lasting consequences for brain health. The more severe an...
Frequently asked question about the number of motor vehicle accidents that happen in the us

Number of Automobile Accidents in the USA?

AnswersHighway SafetyMotor VehicleStatistics
More than 6 million car accidents occur each year across the United States. One automobile accident happens every five seconds, resulting in 2.5 million injuries at a cost of approximately...