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Catastrophic Injury

Is Amputation or Loss of Limb Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalAmputationCatastrophic Injury
Losing a limb is a life-altering event that can change the way victims approach their daily activities and even impede them from working. This is why it is considered a...

Catastrophic Injuries and the Statute of Limitations

2024AnswersInjuriesLegal ProcessCatastrophic InjuryLegal Processes
The majority of personal injury cases involve short-term disabilities, in which temporary damage is inflicted upon a victim's body, mind, or spirit. Motor vehicle accidents, occupational injuries, sports injuries, medical...

Is Deafness Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalCatastrophic InjuryDeafness
Sensory loss like deafness after an accident is a catastrophic injury with lifelong repercussions. A victim of such injury faces a drastic change in their lifestyle, affecting aspects like work,...

Is Paralysis Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalCatastrophic InjuryParalysis
Paralysis is a catastrophic injury that is both life-altering and long-lasting. It can have severe emotional, physical, and financial consequences for an injured person. Victims may face surgeries, rehabilitation, and...

Frequently Asked Questions About How Damages Are Calculated in a Catastrophic Injury Case

2024AnswersInjuriesCatastrophic Injury
Getting involved in an accident due to another party’s negligence can be devastating, especially when it causes catastrophic injuries. A serious injury like a traumatic brain injury (TBI), spine injury, or amputation can cause...

The Effects of Catastrophic Injuries on Mental Health

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalCatastrophic InjuryMental Health
Following an accident or traumatic event, physical injuries are easy to see. Paralysis, severe burns, blindness, traumatic brain injuries, fractures, and amputations are especially visible to others. But the psychological...

Are Severe Burns Catastrophic?

AnswersInjuriesMedicalCatastrophic InjurySevere Burns
Are Severe Burns Considered a Catastrophic Injury? Burn injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Regardless of how careful you are, accidents are unplanned, and someone else’s negligence...
a photo of a serious car accident leading to a catastrophic injury

What Qualifies as a Catastrophic Injury?

AnswersInjuriesCatastrophic Injury
Catastrophic injuries are just what they sound like - injuries that have catastrophic consequences on a person’s life. But if we want to get specific about it, knowing what does...