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School Blogs & Posts

Close up of broken school bus windows

School District Liability in Bus Accidents

2024AnswersChildrenMotor VehicleBus AccidentLiability
School districts have a responsibility to provide safe transportation and to ensure that district vehicles carrying students are in good working condition. The law recognizes that schools have a duty...
Yellow School Bus

Schools and Field Trip Liability

2024AnswersChildrenInjuriesField TripLiability
Whether students are on school property or in another location, districts are responsible for the safety of students in their care during the school day and at school-sponsored extracurricular activities....
Kids playing basketball

Schools, Sports Injuries, and Liability: Who Is Responsible?

According to Stanford Medicine Children's Health, more than 3.5 million children are injured each year while participating in sports or recreational activities. 775,000 of those young athletes require treatment in...
Upset boy with backpack sitting on floor

Frequently Asked Questions About a School’s Liability for Bullying

Parents send their children to school with the understanding that it is a safe, productive space where the child will be able to learn and develop. However, bullying is an...
School psychologist supporting a teenage

Does a School Have To Report Mental Health Issues to Parents?

2024AnswersChildrenMental HealthSchool
Millions of people struggle with mental health issues, and that includes the children in our schools. As a parent, it's your responsibility to know how your child is doing in...