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What Makes Oilfield Jobs Dangerous?

2024AnswersIndustrialInjuriesOn The Joboilfield
Oilfield jobs are dangerous for many reasons. There are countless hazards on the job site, the risk of inexperienced coworkers, and some companies that prioritize profit over employee safety. Accidents...

How Often Do Injuries Occur in the Permian Basin?

2024AnswersIndustrialInjuriesOn The JobInjury
The Permian Basin is a busy area for oil workers and companies, which means that the risk of serious injuries is rather high. Depending on the circumstances, injuries on an...

How Are Land Rigs Different Than Offshore Rigs?

2024AnswersIndustrialOn The JobindustrialOil and Gas
Working in the oilfield industry is a dangerous profession. This is true whether you work on a land rig or at sea on an offshore rig. Many hazards are the...

Deadly Dangers on Oilfield Sites

2024AnswersIndustrialOn The Jobdangeroilfield
Oilfield sites pose many unique and often deadly hazards. Oilfield workers are familiar with the dangers they face daily. The problem is that many others do not realize the risks...

What Causes Oilfield Trucking Accidents?

2024AnswersIndustrialMotor VehicleAccidentoilfield
Oilfields can be incredibly dangerous places to work. There are hazardous substances around every corner, heavy machinery in use, and large trucks transporting materials. Trucking accidents on oilfields are an...

Schools and Field Trip Liability

2024AnswersChildrenInjuriesField TripLiability
Whether students are on school property or in another location, districts are responsible for the safety of students in their care during the school day and at school-sponsored extracurricular activities....

Frequently Asked Questions About a School’s Liability for Bullying

Parents send their children to school with the understanding that it is a safe, productive space where the child will be able to learn and develop. However, bullying is an...

Does a School Have To Report Mental Health Issues to Parents?

2024AnswersChildrenMental HealthSchool
Millions of people struggle with mental health issues, and that includes the children in our schools. As a parent, it's your responsibility to know how your child is doing in...

Spinal Injury Rehabilitation: How Long Does It Take?

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalRehabilitationSpinal Injury
Rehabilitation times for a spinal injury vary widely because every individual is unique, and every spinal injury is different. However, rehabilitation time for spinal cord injury usually lasts 12-18 months....

Is Amputation or Loss of Limb Considered a Catastrophic Injury?

2024AnswersInjuriesMedicalAmputationCatastrophic Injury
Losing a limb is a life-altering event that can change the way victims approach their daily activities and even impede them from working. This is why it is considered a...