Lawyers Trey and Justing

oilfield Blogs & Posts

fire smoke disaster

The Legacy of the Mumbai High North Disaster of 2005

2024AnswersIndustrialOil and Gasoilfield
The Mumbai High North platform disaster in 2005 resulted in the deaths of 22 workers and left many others injured. A fire broke out after a support vessel collided with the platform,...
Petroleum station

What Makes Oilfield Jobs Dangerous?

2024AnswersIndustrialInjuriesOn The Joboilfield
Oilfield jobs are dangerous for many reasons. There are countless hazards on the job site, the risk of inexperienced coworkers, and some companies that prioritize profit over employee safety. Accidents...
Petroleum station

Deadly Dangers on Oilfield Sites

2024AnswersIndustrialOn The Jobdangeroilfield
Oilfield sites pose many unique and often deadly hazards. Oilfield workers are familiar with the dangers they face daily. The problem is that many others do not realize the risks...
Red Truck with oil tank

What Causes Oilfield Trucking Accidents?

2024AnswersIndustrialMotor VehicleAccidentoilfield
Oilfields can be incredibly dangerous places to work. There are hazardous substances around every corner, heavy machinery in use, and large trucks transporting materials. Trucking accidents on oilfields are an...